IP - An Israeli newspaper has reported that the protracted conflict with Lebanon is placing a significant strain on the country's resources, making it increasingly difficult to sustain military operations.

Iran Press/ West Asia: According to a military official cited by Yedioth Ahronoth, the daily cost of Israel's conflict in Lebanon has surged to approximately $134 million, a figure that is projected to rise in the near future.

Israel has incurred a cost of $6.7 billion due to the expansion of fighting in its northern region since the beginning of September, according to Yedioth Ahronoth.

Yedioth Ahronoth added that the expansion of the war, amid a shortage of financial resources, necessitates an increase in the budget.

The Israeli newspaper reported that the expenditure on munitions deployed in Lebanon is substantial.

The newspaper further cited a high-ranking economic official who remarked that Israel's economy is facing significant challenges in sustaining a prolonged conflict in both the northern and southern regions.

The Israeli military has sustained heavy casualties and equipment losses in recent weeks during attempts to advance into southern Lebanon, with Hezbollah fighters successfully repelling all efforts to capture villages in the region.