Iranpress/Iran- Gholam Ali Jafarzadeh Iman Abadi, Iranian politician and a war veteran who is member of the Parliament of Iran representing Rasht added,America's pressures contributed to the unification of political parties, groups and political factions in Iran.
He also said,The initial terms of the US were not acceptable to us, so, we had no way but resistance.
Jafarzadeh added, Trump and the United States can not take the forty-year achievements of the revolution by pushing the Islamic Republic.
Pointing out that various US governments have pushed the Islamic Republic of Iran in forty years ago, Jafarzadeh said,They have oppressed the Iranian people.
Iranian MP also said, The US pressures has made the Iranian nation more resistant and I should say that The people of Iran are not the people of North Korea.
He added,The US government must respect the Iranian people and their thoughts.
Jafarzadeh also said,according to the Supreme Leader's order, the use of nuclear weapons is illegal and prohibited So the United States seems to be trying to make an excuse.
The United States must respect the rights of nations, instead of an excuse,added, Iranian MP.
Iranian MP said,If America respects the demands of the Iranian nation, we will not fight it.
Jafarzadeh said, What is the guarantee that negotiations with the United States and agreement with it will not be violated once again by Trump or US other presidents in future?
In May, Trump called the nuclear accord - or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as it is formally known - a "horrible, one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made" and withdraw from the deal.
Washington is now re-imposing the sanctions, despite objections from the UK, France, China, Russia and Germany, who all signed the 2015 agreement.
US initially planned to totally shut Iran out of global oil markets after Trump abandoned the deal, demanding all other countries to stop buying its crude by November.
But it has somewhat eased its' stance since, saying that it may grant sanction waivers to some allies that are particularly reliant on Iranian supplies.
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Fallahatpisheh: "Trump wants negotiations for the sake of negotiations"
Iranian MP: "American disloyalty makes it impossible to sit for another dialogue"
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