South Africa's motivation to file a case against the Israeli regime is to stop Israeli genocide in Gaza and support the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Why It Matters:

The case reflects South Africa's stance on the Palestinian issue and a deep commitment to upholding human rights globally, informed by their own history of international support during apartheid.


What He Is Saying:

South African Ambassador to Tehran Francis Moloi: South Africa asks the international community to understand the point from which we have taken this case. We do not desire to be popular as South Africans. This is not a case for self-aggrandizement, but it is our small and our humble contribution to the rule of international law.



Key Points:

  • Awakening global awareness of the Palestinian plight.
  • Focusing on Palestinians' quest for self-determination and human dignity.
  • Highlighting Obligations Under the Genocide Convention
  • Focusing solely on justice for Palestine
  • Proving Israel has not complied with court-ordered provisional measures


Bottom Line:

South Africa's case against the Israeli regime underscores the importance of international compliance with the Genocide Convention and aims to hold Israel accountable for the violation of the law.


Go Deeper:

S. Africa's Case at ICJ; Can It Change Justice Course for Palestinians?

Legal Experts: ICJ Stresses Palestinian Right to Return to 1967 Lands

ICJ orders Israeli regime to take action to address Gaza famine


Mohammad Kazemi

seyed mohammad kazemi