The Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution warns of enemies’ attempts to tarnish the image of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and Basij volunteer forces.

Iran PressIran News: "One of the main parts of the enemy’s activities is to tarnish the image of the IRGC and that of Basij [volunteer forces]. Why is that? Because the IRGC is awe-inspiring, Basij is impressive, which makes them (enemies) worried and anxious," Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stated.

The Leader made the remarks in a meeting with the Supreme Assembly of Commanders of the IRGC in Tehran on Thursday.

The last meeting between Ayatollah Khamenei and senior IRGC commanders was held some four years ago in the presence of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, the former Commander of the IRGC's Quds Force and Iran’s top anti-terror general who was assassinated by the United States a few months after the meeting.

Enemies have no avenue to tarnish the reputation of the IRGC other than through "false news, rumors and all kinds of tricks and ploys,” the Leader added, praising the IRGC elite force as “the world’s biggest anti-terrorism organization."

“It is a well-equipped military organization. It is an efficient and independent organization capable of carrying out tasks that many of the world's major militaries cannot accomplish,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei further expounded on how the IRGC stood apart from other forces that emerged in the early stages of big revolutions such as the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Those forces often exhibited destructive tendencies, disorderliness, and a lack of discipline, whereas the IRGC was structured “under the central authority” of the Islamic Revolution from the beginning, the Leader pointed out.

In his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a summit attended by senior officials of the US, Britain, France and Germany in the French island of Guadeloupe on the threshold of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and said they concluded that it was "impossible" to save the puppet regime in Iran, referring to the US-backed Pahlavi regime. 


However, they resorted to the strategy of "consecutive crises" in the hope that they would be able to overthrow every new government in Iran, the Leader said, reminding how Iran faced several crises, riots, acts of insecurity and extensive terror activities at the beginning of the Islamic Revolution.

The Leader stated that the documents captured from the former US embassy in Iran, known as the “Den of Espionage,” also exposed that such incidents took place in line with the very strategy of the West creating consecutive crises in Iran. 

Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the IRGC, saying the great efforts by the elite force foiled all those crises and saved the Iranian people from them.

The Leader said the enemies plotted to defeat and undermine the Islamic Revolution by creating continuous crises and then completely destroy it via a move similar to the 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup.

However, the IRGC thwarted the coup plot in Iran and this is the reason behind the “enemies' grudge” against the elite force, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

The Leader of the Revolution in his meeting with the members of the supreme assembly of commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) praised IRGC public services as brilliant chapter in their activities and added that IRGC has always been standing by people side.

Leader: IRGC always standing by people's side

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in his meeting with the members of the supreme assembly of commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) on Thursday morning stressed: "All the officials of the country are obliged to work hard day and night and they should know no fatigue ".

He also said: " Our duty today is to help the people, especially the underprivileged".

Criticism with trust

The Leader of The Islamic Republic of Iran stated:" There should be trust, I am not saying that there should be no criticism; Criticism with trust."

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei further added:" They want to criticize, there is no problem, but trust them. The officials are working with sincerity, with interest, with enthusiasm, with trust in God, with all their strength. Trust them, criticize if necessary. I have no objection to criticism."

The Leader went on to note: "If we follow this path, and thank God it has been followed until today and will continue to be followed by God's grace and success, victory over the enemy is certain."

Construction is a proud chapter of the IRGC

The Leader of the Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei Another part of his words about IRGC said:

Saying the fact that the issue of constructions is consider as the golden and brilliant   chapter in IRGC Construction Activities His eminence said: This is a brilliant season. In infrastructure matters, the IRGC rules the roost. We have few institutions that have been able to do this amount of work with lower costs than usual and at a faster speed than usual in terms of the infrastructure issues of the country, roads, highways, dams, refineries and the like. This is a very important proud chapter).

 The Leader further elaborated: "Another chapter is the issue of public service of the IRGC. IRGC stood by the people in different sectors. In the health sector, which is very important, the IRGC was able to do great things. It provided essential help in natural disasters and calamities such as earthquakes, floods, corona outbreak, and the like. "The Leader also referred to the anti- poverty plans and activities done by IRGC saying that the extent of these activities are still unknown and "Extensive work has been done in this regard."


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Leader receives IRGC commanders

Maryam Abolbagha