Iranians also marked the anniversary of the martyrdom of their first Shia Imam, Imam Ali (PBUH), one of the most revered icons of Shia Islam.
Imam Ali (AS), whom Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared as “Amir al-Mo’menin” (The Commander of the Faithful) was martyred on the twenty-first day of Ramadan over thirteen centuries ago.
The first Imam of Shia Muslims was saying his prayers two days prior to his martyrdom when assassin ibn Muljim hit him in the head with a poisoned sword in the Mosque of Kufa.
Imam Ali (AS) was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s highly revered son-in-law and cousin as well as the first Imam of Shia Islam.
He was the leader of the Islamic Caliphate at the time of his assassination.
The night before his passing is considered the second of the three holy nights - each being known as Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Destiny).
Thousands of worshippers converged on the Mosques and religious centers across Iran on Friday night to mark Laylat al-Qadr, one of the most significant hallmarks of the holy month of Ramadan, also known as the Night of Destiny, Night of Measure or Night of Value.
Muslims throughout the world spend the nights worshipping God.The martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) is commemorated in Iran as well as other Muslim nations around the world.