Tehran (IP)- The Deputy Minister of Oil and Underground Resources of Syria and the CEO of the Iran-Syria Friendship Association reviewed the horizons of cooperation between Tehran and Damascus in the oil and gas industries.

Iran PressMiddle East: Deputy Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources. Khaled al-Alelij, of Syria, in a meeting with "Hassan Shakesh," the CEO of the Iran-Syria Friendship Association, referring to the horizons of cooperation between Tehran and Damascus, called for the collaboration of the two countries in the field of drilling, petrochemicals, and providing Iranian oil services to Syria.

Shakhesi also proposed to build a joint company in the field of exploration, drilling, and petrochemicals, saying: "The Syria-Iran Friendship Association has experienced experts and specialists in oil, gas, and petrochemicals. Syria's oil and gas industry is one of Iran's important markets and targets for investment.

The synergy of the two countries in the oil and gas field can be an essential step in the economic cooperation between Damascus and Tehran.

Syrian oil production in 2008 equaled 406 thousand barrels per day. This figure dropped to 353,000 barrels per day in 2011, with the onset of crises, and reached 24,000 barrels per day in 2018, with a decrease of more than 90%.

US steals 398 Syrian oil tankers in 5 days

Before the beginning of the crisis, Syria used to export more than 150,000 barrels of oil per day, mainly to European countries, but since 2013, oil exports have reached zero.

In recent years, especially this year, America has been eyeing Syrian oil to compensate for some of the expenses of its military forces and the groups that fight on behalf of Washington in this country. The regional media have repeatedly reported about the theft of Damascus oil by the US.

Reports indicate that this July alone, at least four cases of stolen Syrian oil were transported by the US Army, and nearly 200 tankers full of oil were transported out of Syria by the American Army.


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Ali Akbar khandan