Accra (IP): In a landmark decision, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is unlawful, marking a significant diplomatic and legal victory for the Palestinian people.

Iran PressAfrica: This ruling, which categorically opposes Israel's settlement activities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, has been hailed as a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for Palestinian rights.

Al Hassan Bello, a prominent Ghanaian international relations expert, described the ICJ's decision as a "symbolic diplomatic and political victory" for the Palestinians.

He emphasized that the ruling undermines the arguments of Western nations that have historically supported Israel, stating that any investment or trade relations with Israeli entities in these territories would now constitute a violation of international law. Bello criticized the delay in reaching this verdict, highlighting the tragic loss of 39,000 Palestinian lives during the prolonged process and asserting that the ruling provides Palestinians with a powerful tool to mobilize international support against Israeli actions.

The ICJ's advisory opinion, while not legally binding, carries substantial political weight. It asserts that Israel's occupation and settlement policies violate international law and calls for an end to these practices. This ruling has been viewed as a significant blow to Israel's international standing, particularly as the country faces increasing scrutiny for its actions in Gaza and the West Bank.

Bello noted that the ruling indirectly legitimizes the arguments of those advocating for armed resistance against Israel, given the perceived failure of diplomatic negotiations. He asserted that the ICJ's decision represents a strategic setback for Israel and its Western allies, particularly the United States, which has been a staunch supporter of Israel.

As the international community grapples with the implications of this ruling, Palestinian officials have expressed optimism. The Palestinian Authority's Foreign Minister described the ICJ's stance as a "turning point for Palestine." However, Israel has dismissed the ruling as "false," reaffirming its claims over the disputed territories.

The ICJ's decision comes at a time of heightened tensions and violence in the region, with ongoing conflicts exacerbating the humanitarian crisis faced by Palestinians. The ruling not only reinforces the Palestinians' right to self-determination but also challenges the legitimacy of Israel's claims over the occupied territories.

As the global community reflects on this significant ruling, questions remain about its practical implications for the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations and the broader quest for peace in the region.