Why It Matters:
Eslami’s statements reflect the complexities of the nuclear negotiations and the challenges facing Iran in achieving its nuclear rights.
The Big Picture:
Eslami reviewed Iran's advancements in nuclear technology and discussed the challenges posed by sanctions. He emphasized that the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) must support the rights of all countries to get peaceful nuclear technology.
Despite facing pressure and sanctions, Iran has made significant progress in this area, according to Eslami. He also mentioned ongoing preliminary negotiations with European countries, expressing that if Europe chooses the path of engagement, Iran is ready to talk as well.
Key points:
- Iran is facing maximum pressure and sanctions which caused many inconveniences.
- The JCPOA remains a valid framework; Iran's returning to its commitments depends on the other parties' return to theirs.
- Activating the snapback mechanism, will undermine the agreement with Iran.
Go Deeper:
The International Atomic Energy Agency is mandated to assist countries seeking nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, but the body has so far refrained from providing assistance, citing suspicions about Iran's nuclear program.
Hossein Amiri