Iran Press/Africa: Ethiopians poured to the streets of Tel Aviv after Zionist police shot and killed a mentally ill young Ethiopian man. His death sparked anger and again highlighted brutal and heavy-handed Israeli police action against ethnic Ethiopians.
Organizers urged protesters to bring cameras to document police treatment during the rally after in 2015, police attack to a similar protest and turned the rally violent, AFP reported.
Organizers are demanding the appointment of a special judge in the investigation into the death of 24-year-old 'Biadga' who was shot dead by police in the coastal town of Bat Yam just south of Tel Aviv. Organizers said that they do not trust the justice ministry that investigates police misconduct to probe the incident.
They are also demanding the implementation of committee recommendations on ending discrimination against Ethiopians, an emergency cabinet session on police violence, and expanding the scope and authority of an existing government task force on combating racism.
In addition, organizers are seeking an independent investigation into other incidents of police violence against Ethiopian men, including the 2015 shooting of 'Shahar Maman' and the beating of 'Damas Pakada' last year.
Organizers of Wednesday’s protests lamented that similar demonstrations following the incidents involving Maman and Pakada failed to bring about any serious change, but voiced hope that this time would be different.
Around 140,000 Ethiopians live in the occupied Palestinian lands.
Controversy regarding the treatment of Ethiopian Jews began as early as the 1980s. In May 2015, human right organizations described Ethiopian community in occupied lands as a community which has "long complained about discrimination, racism, and poverty".
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