Tehran (IP) - Secretary General of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions clarified: " A fundamental change is happening in the world and after the Islamic Revolution, the culture of resistance against arrogance was also formed."

Iran PressIran news: Hamid Shahriari, Secretary General of the World Forum for the Approximation of Islamic Religions, at the second international conference on Quds Day with the title "The freedom of Palestine, the duty of the Islamic Ummah" said that the US was determined with its unilateralism approach, snd ruled the world by its secular and liberal values. They pursue their interests in different regions of the world and follow their goals behind the mask of freedom.

Shahriari stated: "Today, a fundamental change is happening in the world; When the Islamic Revolution was formed, the culture of resistance against arrogance was formed, and today various approaches against unilateralism are being formed."

The Secretary General of the Al-Aqram Assembly pointed out: "We have succeeded in standing up against the US goals in the region by resisting in Syria and Iraq and confronting ISIS, and in this way, we have succeeded in confronting unilateralism."

He emphasized: "Today, one of the great achievements for the Islamic Ummah is that the Saudis realized that the US cannot be relied upon."

Shahriari pointed out: "We must break the hegemony of the dollar in the world and destroy the unilateralism of the United States absolutely. We must never underestimate the enemy."

He added: "Our alliance with Russia and China has a common point and that is to eliminate unilateralism."


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