Criticizing the differences between the United States and Europe during Donald Trump's presidency over JCPOA, the British Foreign Secretary welcomed the new US administration's desire to return to the JCPOA emphasizing that return must be without preconditions.

Iran Press/Europe: In a meeting on Wednesday evening at the American forum Aspen, Dominic Raab said that from his point of view, Iran and the United States want to return to diplomacy and that the British government, along with European partners is working this to succeed.

Without referring to the US unilateral withdrawal from JCPOA and the violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, the British Foreign Secretary called for the implementation of Iran's commitments and returning to the negotiations.

Two years after the US withdrawal from JCPOA and the European parties' delay in fulfilling their obligations under the agreement, Iran began to take steps under IAEA oversight to reduce its obligations.

On January 5, 2020, Iran issued the fifth and final step in reducing its commitments, stating that Tehran would no longer have any operational constraints (including enrichment capacity, enrichment percentage, enriched materials, and R&D). From now on, Iran's nuclear program will be based only on its technical needs, and cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency will continue as usual.

The Islamic Republic of Iran also suspended voluntary actions under the JCPOA on February 23 within the framework of the Law on Strategic Action Plan to Lift Sanctions and Protect Iranian Nation’s Interests”.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has always stated that in the event of the lifting of sanctions and the implementation of JCPOA obligations by the other parties to this agreement, compensatory measures will be reversible.



Ashkan Salehian