France (IP) - A left-wing French lawmaker raised the Palestinian flag in the country's parliament and said that he would prefer to stand on the right side of history instead of sticking to the National Assembly.

Iran PressEurope: "It's the first time that a foreign flag has been raised in the assembly, but it's appropriate given what's at stake, when you have people, who are like us, on the other side of the Mediterranean being massacred," Reuters quoted from the lawmaker Sebastien Delogu.

Delogu from the LFI party was fined for raising the Palestinian flag and was also suspended from his job for 15 days. Half of his The party has positioned itself as an advocate of Palestine and did not follow the Israeli regime in that Hamas' operation against the entity was a terrorist act.  

It was on October 7, 2023, that Hamas carried out Operation Al-Aqsa Flood against the Israeli regime in response to more than 7 decades of the regime's occupation of Palestine.More than 36,200 Palestinians were martyred and over 81,400 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7.

Many are missing and it is not possible at the moment to calculate how many are trapped under rubble.Massive protests and anti-Israeli campaigns have been held since the regime, backed especially by the US and the UK, began an all-out war on the Gaza Strip. 

For example, the US universities kicked off a protest movement against the Israeli regime on April 17 at Columbia University in New York; the protesting students are calling on their universities to cut off their relations with the Israeli institutions involved in the war on Gaza.Today, Thursday, May 30, 2024, the leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the American students in a letter and told them that as the page of history is turning, they are standing on the right side of it.


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Leader to US student: You Are Standing on Right Side of History