Manama (IP) - Muslim people and supporters of Palestine in different areas of Manama, the capital of Bahrain, condemned the new crime committed by the Zionists in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, by staging nighttime protests.

Iran Press/ West Asia: According to Iranpress, 40 Palestinians were martyred and dozens were injured in the Zionist missile attack on a part of the Al Baraksat camp in the northwest of Rafah. Palestinian sources announced that 100,000 Palestinian refugees live in tents in the northwest of Rafah.

On Monday night, the Muslim people of Bahrain attended in different areas of Manama, including near the American Embassy in the capital of Bahrain, chanting anti-Zionist and anti-American slogans and strongly condemned the crime of burning Palestinians in the Zionist missile attack on Rafah.

The Bahrainis, while carrying some of the pictures of the Zionist crime in Rafah, once again voiced their solidarity with the oppressed people of the Gaza Strip and expressed their sympathy to the survivors of the Zionist crime in Rafah.

Al-Khalifa regime police forces targeted the night-time protests of the people of Bahrain with tear gas. The protesters also condemned the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime on the way they were moving toward the American embassy in Manama.