Iranian special envoy meets Afghan officials

Asia (IP) - The special assistant in Afghanistan affairs of Iran's Foreign Ministry met Afghan officials in capital Kabul.

Iran PressAsia: Mohammad-Ebrahim Taherian met and held talks on Sunday with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and the political and security officials of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammad Haneef Atmar and Hamdollah Moheb.

The officials discussed matters of mutual interest, expanding bilateral cooperation, and the latest political developments of Afghanistan.

The cooperation of the two countries in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak was on the agenda.

As of April 16, Afghanistan has reported 993 COVID-19 cases and 32 deaths, but observers and medics on the ground believe the real number of infections could be much higher. A majority of the infected people are from Herat province, which shares a border with Iran.

There is a shortage of coronavirus tests and ventilators in the country. The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided Afghanistan 1,500 testing kits, yet only two laboratories in the country are equipped with machines that can process test samples. 


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