IP - Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the popular messaging app Telegram has expanded its recently launched "Stories" feature to all its users.

The platform’s founder Du Rove announced on his Telegram channel that the most awaited “Stories” feature is starting to roll out for all, gradually.

The Stories feature was already availed to Premium subscribers. As it’s a basic feature that is available on all social platforms, Telegram is also ditching the Premium subscription requirement. Since the rollout is gradual, availability may vary by region and operating system.

Stories feature on Telegram is in enhanced form compared to other social apps like WhatsApp and Instagram. It allows you to create a custom list of users, to which you can show your Stories. In addition, there 4 options so you can choose a time for self Story destruction.

Du Rove notes that Telegram gained more than 800M active users in the last 10 years. Through numerous updates and improvements over the years, the cloud-based messaging service redefined what a modern messaging experience should be like.


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