"From six years ago which Halal food festival began its' activities till now, we have witnessed important achievements in amounts of halal food supplies, the number of sellers, and the variety of halal foods presented in the market", the manager and the founder of Halal food festival in Toronto, Faizal Kagedy said.
"Halal food is not just about Islamic slaughter but it includes a process that leads to cleaner foods. The supply of Italian and Mexican food expands the consumer market", the founder of Halal food festival in Toronto concluded.
"We are the first company in North America which its' activities during the past 12 years were based on Shia jurisprudence. We have got 150 licences for supplying halal foods to food sales centres, hospitals and airports in different cities of three provinces of Canada.
Each year, 35 thousands people participate in Halal food festival in Toronto.