Iran Press/Iran News: “If Venezuela needs foods and basic goods, Iran will send them if required, so US threats have not any impact on our trade ties with this Bolivarian country," Rabeie told Russian 'Sputnik' news.
The US moves to seize Iranian petroleum aboard four tankers bound for Venezuela in sanctions escalation, push to extend arms embargo.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined and serious to continue its trade with Venezuela, Rabiei emphasized.
In response to a question on whether a credit line has been launched between Iran and Venezuela to meet its oil and food demands or sending oil and food tankers to Venezuela has been made for once in order to help it resist against US sanctions, Rabiei added, “Trade relations between Iran and Venezuela is based on international law, the needs of the two countries and taking all bilateral terms and conditions into consideration and this amicable ties will continue in future.”
He pointed to the tough US sanctions imposed against Venezuela and added, “US threats will have no impact in our determination to do free trade and business with Venezuela.”
Footage show arrival of Iranian tanker in Venezuelan coast
Elsewhere in his remarks, Rabiei pointed to the relations between Russia, China, and Iran in the international arena and said, “We are in one of the best periods of our historical ties with Russian Federation so that our relations with Russia in the areas of strategic and economic cooperation is rapidly progressing.”
Turning to the US economic terrorism imposed against Syria dubbed Caesar Act, the two great nations of Iran and Russia managed to foil the hazardous project of the United States and its allies in Syria, the government spokesman added.
As Iran and Venezuela increased coordination in the face of a Trump administration which has pounded them with heavy sanctions, US federal prosecutors are seeking to seize four tankers sailing towards Venezuela with gasoline supplied by Iran, the latest attempt to disrupt ever-closer trade ties between the two heavily-sanctioned anti-US allies.
Last month, five Iranian oil tankers set off for the Caribbean and delivered about 1.5 million barrels of gasoline to Venezuela which is under a virtual American economic siege.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro praised the Iranian government for sending oil tankers saying he is scheduled to travel to Iran soon and will take part in a joint commission with officials from the two countries to sign agreements on energy, agriculture, finance, technology, science, and health.
Read More:
US latest move to obstruct Iran-Venezuela increasing coordination
Iranian ship carrying foodstuff arrives in Venezuelan waters
Iran cargo ship Golsan unloads food and medical supplies in Venezuela