Despite the pressure the Western countries exerted on the mayor of Nagasaki to invite the representative of the Zionist regime to the ceremony, Mayor Shiro Suzuki has stood firm in his decision and emphasized that he will not withdraw from it.

Iran PressAsia: Suzuki's comment came one day after the invited representatives from Canada, the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and the European Union criticized him over the decision.

The decision indicated the fact that even Asian allies of the West do not want to ignore the Israeli crimes against humanity and give the regime a medal of honor for the crimes through the invitation.

In spite of their awareness of the hatred of the general public, including Japan, toward the Israeli regime, the Western states mentioned above sent a letter in mid-July to the mayor of Nagasaki, threatening him that in case their apple of the eye Israel is not invited to the ceremony they would relegate the level of their presence.

Given that the Japanese people have experienced the bitter taste of the US' crime in the nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they understand well the pain of the Palestinian people caused by the Israeli regime's crimes, therefore they preferred to express their hatred to the regime instead of having the high level of the Western supporters of Israel in the ceremony.

The mayor of Nagasaki also announced that there is a high possibility that the people of Japan will hold mass demonstrations against the Israeli regime, therefore, security considerations also caused the event organizers to be careful not to invite a representative of the Zionist regime.

This shows that the presence of the Israeli regime's elements in Japan, which is the main ally of the US in East Asia, is receiving a lot of public hatred and anger. However, the ambassadors of the US and the UK in Japan announced that they would not attend the commemoration ceremony in reaction to the decision of Nagasaki's mayor.

The US ambassador to Japan defends the criminal regime of Israel as the US itself killed tens of thousands of civilians and injured hundreds of thousands of others in a nuclear attack on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, just three days after the nuclear bombardment of Hiroshima.

The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still dealing with the devastating aftermath of the deadly US nuclear bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man.  

Yet, the US envoy refused to attend the ceremony as it is supporting a regime that has launched carnage in the Gaza Strip of Palestine and has killed about 40,000 people and injured over 91,500 others during the last 10 months. 

Read more: 

Pro-Palestinian People Gather Outside US Embassy in Tokyo