The representative of Hamas in Tehran stated that Ismail Haniyeh wanted security and peace for his country and region adding that a terrorist crime happened and if it happened anywhere else, the UN Security Council would have marched toward military action.

Iran PressIran news: Khaled Qaddoumi, representative of Hamas in Tehran, at the commemoration ceremony of Martyr Ismail Haniyeh at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: "Everyone witnessed how the arrogant people of the world behave in a double standard manner."

Khaled Qaddoumi stated: "We are turning a new page in the history of Gaza by serving humanity so that everyone understands the Israeli regime is a threat to the region. We support human dignity in Gaza."

He added that Fouad Shekar was martyred in South Lebanon and Martyr Haniyeh was martyred in Iran. Revenge and bloodlust against Martyr Haniyeh is one of the rights of humanity. He has been an official guest of an independent and sovereign country.

Khaled Qaddoumi added: "We know how to secure our rights. Everyone must stop the bloodshed in Palestine. Netanyahu and the Zionists are looking for bloodshed."

Khaled Qaddoumi noted that this illegal and hateful regime only seeks to promote evil Zionism and they are today's pharaohs who should be tried at international criminal courts. 219