Tehran (IP) - With the Ottawa government's refusal to cooperate for holding Presidential Election, compatriots will cast their votes for Iran's 13th presidential election in the nearest border town in the United States.

Iran Press/America: The head of Iran's Election Headquarters Jamal Orf said on Thursday said that the Iranian compatriots living in Canada could cast their ballots in the nearest border city in the Oregon and Buffalo cities in the US. 

Orf said the Government of Canada was the only government that hindered the process of voting for the Iranians, noting that it was not prestigious for a country that advocated human rights. 

With all efforts of Iran's concerned organizations, the Canadian government refused to prepare the necessary conditions for holding the 13th Iranian presidential election under false excuses.

The caretaker of Iran's Interests Section to Washington D.C., Mehdi Atefat said two constituencies were set up in Oregon and Buffalo so that Iranian compatriots living in Canada can go to the polls there.

On Sunday, Abolfazl Amouei, the spokesman for the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iran's Parliament, said that Canada did not allow the numerous Iranian nationals to participate in Iran's 13th presidential election, and this behavior contradicted its humanitarian claims and belief to free and healthy elections.

Earlier, the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran criticized the violation of the rights of Iranians living in Canada and stated: "Hundreds of thousands of Iranians living in Canada are deprived of not only consular rights but also the right to self-determination with the election due to Ottawa's politicized stance."

About 400,000 Iranians are living in Canada who also have their motherland passport.


Parliament criticizes Canada for hindering Iranian nationals' voting

Canada's decision regarding Iran's election; illegal, in violation of int'l law

Canada should facilitate the participation of Iranians in election: Iran

Hossein Vaez