Tehran (IP) - A meeting of health conditions in the Israeli-occupied territories, including eastern al-Quds and Golan Heights of Syria, on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly.

Iran PressEurope:Delivering a speech at the meeting on Friday, Bahram Einollahi expressed concern that the severe health conditions in Gaza are not addressed by the international bodies. 

Einollahi said that the health infrastructure in occupied Palestine is under fire and all aspects of life, including the basics of health, have been deeply affected by the Israeli apartheid regime's war on Gaza.

He highlighted the Israeli regime's sheer violation of human rights and genocide ongoing in Gaza aimed at racial clearance and forced relocation of the people along with the inability of the international community, the UN Security Council in particular, to end the Israeli crimes as the reasons led to the meeting.

Einolallahi called the improvement of the health system in Gaza impossible without immediate international aid and said the continuation of the trend would lead to further exacerbation of the conditions where the harmed people are mostly women and children. 

"Extensive destruction of Gaza's health infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics and ambulances, and educational sites, and water and sanitation facilities, has dramatically limited access to basic services. The situation is alarming, and attacks on hospitals and health staffs mingled with frequent displacement of the people exacerbated the health crisis."

He called on international bodies to condemn the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza and stressed Iran's protest to the part of the A77/18 document which can lead to the recognition of the Israeli regime.