Tehran (IP) - Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf said, "the apartheid Israeli regime has become a global laughingstock in every confrontation with the proud Iranian nation."

Iran PressIran news: Ghalibaf, in his opening address today (Sunday, Oct. 27) said, "The success and vigilance of the devoted warriors of the army and the IRGC have demonstrated that the apartheid Israeli regime has become a global laughingstock in any confrontation with the proud nation of Iran. Comparing Operation True Promise 2 with the recent military action of this regime is a clear testament to the deterrent power of the Islamic Republic of Iran's defense forces."

He said, "Israel has achieved nothing but the killing of defenseless women and children in Gaza and Lebanon, and has no reputation left on the global stage."


Iran Entitled to Defend Itself


The Speaker of the Parliament noted: "Although the Israeli military action was out of desperation, Iran considers itself entitled to defend itself under the inherent right of self-defense and Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. Iran's response to this aggression will be decisive and in adherence to the necessary considerations."

He emphasized that the United States must be warned to stop the killing of innocent people in Gaza and Lebanon and to prevent the spread of instability in the region. He urged the US to restrain the Israeli regime and force it into a lasting ceasefire, preventing it from creating a grim fate for itself and its allies through recklessness and warmongering.


Call for Collective Security


He continued, expressing gratitude to neighboring countries that condemned the aggressive and unlawful actions of the occupying Israeli regime. He stressed that maintaining regional stability and defending peace and security in the region is a collective responsibility of all countries in the area, achievable only through cooperation and practical commitment to this principle.

The Speaker of the Parliament stated: "We salute the spirits of the army's defense martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country. We extend our congratulations and condolences to their families, the army personnel, and the people of Iran. The army is devoted to the nation, and the nation will safeguard and honor the blood of these selfless martyrs."


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