Iran Press/Iran News: Rear Admiral Amir Rastegari made the remarks in an IRIB TV program about the joining of Fateh submarine to the Navy's fleet.
Head of Marine Industries Organization of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, said that preparations to build Fateh submarine started in March 21, 2008 based on the requests of Navy, Iran Press reported.
More than 412,000 pieces have been used in this submarine and it took about 10 years to build it, he said, adding that, “This is a record since the average time to manufacture such a submarine in the world is between 12 to 15 years.”
Rastegari said more than 76 state-of-the-art technologies have been used in Fateh submarine and 500 knowledge-based companies have cooperated with ِDefense Ministry in its manufacturing process.
Commander of Iranian َArmy Navy Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi in the program said before the Islamic Revolution, Iran didn’t have any knowledge or technology regarding submarines.
"Fateh submarine was a leap in building submarines and it completed the defensive chain of our country below waters,” Admiral Khanzadi added.
Domestically-made Fateh submarine joined the Iranian Army naval forces in the presence of President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday.
Surface-to surface systems, torpedo launcher, advanced sonar, electrically powered propulsion, battle management systems, integrated electronic security and communications technology are some of the features that the submarine has. 101/205/213
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