Dushanbe (IP) - On the sidelines of the 37th meeting of the Eurasian Group (EAG) on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (November 21-25) in Tajikistan, Iranian Deputy Minister of Economy and Head of the Ministry's Financial Intelligence Center (FIC), and Vice President and ​​​​​​​Director of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of Russia discussed the relative affairs.

Iran PressAsia: In the meeting, Iran's Hadi Khani and Russia's Yury Chikhanchin emphasized the need to increase interactions between them with the aim of a more serious fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, especially the fight against the financing of drug traffickers.

The Russian side, who is the head of the Eurasian regional working group in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), appreciated Iran's actions in combating money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism and said that he would announce Iran's successes to FATF and will do the best of his ability to remove Iran from the black list.

Also, in this meeting, the two sides agreed to discuss the formation of an eastern coalition to fight money laundering and terrorist financing.


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Maryam Abolbagha