Iran Press/ America: The President described one of the main reasons for Iran's disagreement with outsiders' interference in the region said: "The situation of the Afghan nation after more than 20 years of occupation and intervention by the US and NATO forces led to the disability of 35,000 children and is just one of the results of two decade of occupation of Afghanistan by foreigners."
Ebrahim Raisi met with a group of American foreign policy experts on the third day of his trip to New York and answered their questions.
President, in response to a question about whether Iran is willing to agree on nuclear negotiations or not.
Iran has not withdrawn from the agreement
He said, "The Islamic Republic of Iran has not withdrawn from the existing agreement and has fulfilled all its obligations in this agreement. It was the United States that withdrew from this agreement, and it was the European countries that did not fulfill their obligations".
President Raisi emphasized that from the beginning, we declared that we favor negotiations to reach a fair and reasonable agreement and not talks for the sake of negotiations.
Pointing out that no one has described Iran's demands as unreasonable, the President said, "The next point is, how long are the safeguard issues going to be abused as a pressure lever against Iran? How many cases have been opened in this field, and each time it was announced that the claims made in it were not valid?
President Raisi stated: "The International Atomic Energy Agency has so far emphasized 15 times that the nuclear activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran are peaceful and do not deviate from the Agency's regulations. Are these reports invalid for Western countries?"
In response to a statement that the International Atomic Energy Agency is an independent and non-political institution, President Raisi said: "In the same region where Iran is located, how many other countries have nuclear activities and even activities related to the production of nuclear weapons? How much of their activities are under the supervision of the IAEA, and even though they are making nuclear weapons, neither the IAEA nor some countries in the world are sensitive to them".
Iran seeks to develop relations with its neighbors
In response to another question about the process of improving relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the President added, "Iran seeks to strengthen and develop relations with its neighbors, and we have repeatedly emphasized that if outsiders do not interfere in regional issues, the countries of the region themselves have sufficient capacity to resolve the issues between each other."
Afghanistan, a sample of US intervention
In response to the question, what is the solution to Afghanistan's problems from Iran's point of view, he stated, "One of the main reasons for the emphasis of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the non-interference of outsiders in regional issues is the current situation of the Afghan nation after more than 20 years of occupation and intervention by the United States and NATO forces in this country. The disability of 35,000 children is just one of the results of two decade of occupation of Afghanistan".The President added, "From the point of view of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the solution to Afghanistan's problems is to form an inclusive government through dialogue and understanding of all groups and clans of this country."
Iran uses all capacities to end the war in Ukraine
In response to a question about the conflicts in Ukraine, Raisi said, "Iran itself has gone through the bitter experience of an eight-year war that was imposed on this country with the support and instigation of the United States and European countries, and therefore, it uses all its capacities to mediate and end it as soon as possible."
The President described NATO's expansionist policies as one of the causes of insecurity in different parts of the world and stated, "As foreign policy thinkers, advise politicians and statesmen so that the people of different parts of the world do not bear the cost of their mistakes."
In response to the question of what Iran has done to fight drug smuggling, Ayatollah Raisi stated, "The largest volume of drug production is in Afghanistan, which was under the occupation and control of the United States and NATO forces. If Iran does not stop the drug trafficking, all of Europe and America will become a breeding ground for drug traffickers".
All aspects of Mahsa Amini's incident are under investigation
In response to the question of an expert about " what you, as the President, have done towards the death of Mahsa Amini, the President said, "You are a researcher, and you are expected to do research before accepting and re-proposing an issue, make sure that it is correct and that what you say is based on valid and approved documents."
The President added, "I personally contacted her family and promised that I would pursue the matter carefully so that all aspects of the matter are investigated and no one's rights are violated."
The President called the standards of Western human rights advocates double and said, "Self-proclaimed human rights advocates do not show sensitivity to official reports and news about the killing of men and women in Western countries and America by police forces."
Also, in response to another question that Iran is getting closer to the East, the President said, "We want balance in our foreign policy and interactions, and we do not see the relationship with the world only in the interaction with a few Western countries."
Read More:
President Raisi: Defending human rights; Iran's serious priority
Resistance, the only way to stop Zionists aggression: Pres. Raisi
Hossein Vaez