Iran Press/ Asia: "First, the USA promoted the most radical of radicals in Afghanistan and strengthened them in the Cold War against the USSR at the expense of the Afghans. This included Bin Laden, who received massive US support," Rangin Dadfar Spanta said.
"Then the US gave Pakistan a free hand in Afghanistan. Pakistan, with the cooperation and money of the West, dominated the Afghan resistance and created the Taliban as an instrument of its hegemony in Afghanistan," the tweet reads.
"The US boomed Afghanistan for 20 years in the name of anti-terror-war. Thousands of women, children, and civilians lost their lives. We believed, I also believed, in fact, it was counter-terrorism. The US supported Pakistan with $36 billion. But Bin Laden lived in Pakistan," he said.
"Now the USA is punishing Afghanistan once again and capturing Afghanistan's reserves. I feel guilty before my people and before the history of my country to have ever considered the US government as a friend and ally. May the Afghan people forgive me," the former foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ended the thread.
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