The teenager was martyred after receiving gunshots to the chest during an overnight raid in the West Bank. Two more Palestinians were wounded and a further two arrested on suspicion of what the Israelis call "terror activity".
Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in the Deheisha refugee camp during a violent detention raid on Monday before dawn in the southern occupied West Bank.
The boy, identified as Arkan Mezher, was fatally shot in the chest near his heart around 4 a.m. Two more Palestinians in their mid-20s were arrested.
Mezher is one of at least 28 Palestinian children killed by Israel since the beginning of the year.
Israeli soldiers were raiding the camp as part of a routine search and arrest operation, which regularly provoke confrontations with local youth from the camp,who respond to the raids by throwing stones at the armed soldiers and their military vehicles.
Locals told Mondoweiss that more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers entered the camp in at least 35 military jeeps.