In an exclusive interview with Iran Press, the MP representing 'Takab' , Dr. Homayoun Hashemi, said: "We don't need any additional legislation , or tougher legislation, to deal with the problem of contraband, rather what we need is to enforce existing laws more thoroughly, making our borders less friendly to smugglers, with customs personnel, and security forces playing a more active role in combating contraband.
The senior parliamentarian added: "We need a national resolve to deal with the problems of contraband and hoarding of merchandise. There are no shortcomings in the existing legislation, rather what we need, is better enforcement of the laws of the land, and more supervision and inspections by customs officers, and security forces , particularly at points of entry into the country for goods and merchandise."
In further comments the MP representing 'Takab' added: "Goods that have been imported into the country illegally, either in defiance of a total ban or without payment of duty, do serious damage to Iran's economy and are a source of concern for those businessmen, traders and entrepreneurs who are trying to import goods into the country legally".
Dr. Homayoun Hashemi, added: "The parliament ( Majlis ) is ready to assist the government in tackling the twin problems of contraband and hoarding of merchandise. The legislative and executive branches of the government need to collaborate closely to stop the illegal smuggling of goods and merchandise into the country. Customs officers and security forces should also be more active in tackling contraband particularly along Iran's borders."