In an exclusive interview with Iran Press on Wednesday, Iranian MP , Dr. Zahra Saeedi Mobarakeh, has stressed that the Iranian government has behaved in a very ethical and proper manner, and the world appreciates this. She stressed that Iran has shown the world it leads the way in ethical government, and the real beneficiaries of that are the Iranian people.
In further remarks, the Iranian parliamentarian said: "We must show our ability to manage the markets properly, our management of economic processes must be transparent, and we must earn the trust of the international community."
Commenting on the government's package of measures, Iranian MP, Zahra Saeedi Mobarakeh said this has proven successful, and has managed to significantly reduce the price of gold and US dollar. We must thank the government for its package of measures. But the 'feelgood factor' is also important. The general public must receive tangible benefits, the benefits must go into the people's pockets.
In further remarks, Saeedi Mobarakeh added: Both the government and the parliament, and the judiciary , will give their full support to the governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI ) , Dr Hemmati , to crack down on anyone who wants to corrupt the process of stabilizing the currency and gold markets.
She added" The Islamic Republic will never bow down to sanctions and pressure. We overcame very harsh sanctions in the past relying on our own resources and abilities, and using active diplomacy."
Commenting further on the work of the Economic Commission of the Iranian parliament (Majlis ), Saeedi Mobarakeh said the Economic Commission has done good work in countering contraband, on illegal entry of goods into the country, on Value Added Tax (VAT ) , and also on Islamic Banking. All these are connected like a chain , and reform will reduce bureaucracy and help businesses thrive.