Iran Press/America: US President, Donald Trump has once more, on the verge of entering the third decade of the 21st century, stoked new racial tensions in the United States.
The latest example of this conflict occurred at an El Paso Walmart store where about twenty innocent local people lost their lives in a shooting incident by a 21-year-old white male from Allen, a suburb of Dallas, Patrick Crusius and this will only further inflame racial tensions/conflicts in the US.
Prior to the mass shooting, Crusius described the imminent attack as an effort to counter the influx of illegal immigrants and refugees from the South American border, specifically from Mexico. A four-page "manifesto" filled with anti-immigrant hatred/rhetoric was posted to an anonymous message board. The document which police believe is connected to the suspect, warned of an impending attack, claiming it was "a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas".
This has prompted a broad spectrum of racists from the US President living in the White House in Washington to the 21-year-old Dallas youth to get involved and go to war with others.
In the last two years, Donald Trump has been pouring fuel on racial fires in America, heightening racial tensions more than ever before to keep racist Conservatives in the United States at bay and to attract mainly white voters with an eye on 2020 presidential elections.
"Donald Trump incites racism in the US," says Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic candidate in the 2020 primary Presidential elections.
While the latest change in US gun-control laws goes back to a quarter of a century ago, the National Rifle Association, as the nation's largest arms lobby, strongly opposes an increase in oversight on sale of US firearms, given the fact that nearly 30,000 people in the United States die each year from gun violence.
In such a turbulent atmosphere, eventually, some racist terrorists take up arms and commit horrific crimes around America. Regarding the freedom to carry weapons in the US and the long-standing culture of violence in the country, racist white-collar terrorism has become a deep security problem in the United States. If unchecked, white supremacist violence will lead to open racial warfare and the deaths of more civilians in the US.
Read More:
US Democrats back gun limits after El Paso mass shooting
20 people killed & 26 injured in El Paso shooting rampage