Baghdad (IP) - The Iraqi Joint Operations Headquarters announced the discovery of the bodies of three ISIS terrorist elements after the Iraqi fighter jets struck a suspected site at Wadi Al-Shai in the north of the country.

Iran Press/ West Asia: On Friday, the command of Iraq's Joint Operations Headquarters said that following the air attack by Iraqi fighter jets in Wadi al-Shai in the Kirkuk region, the bodies of three ISIS terrorists were discovered in this area.

The statement of the Iraqi Joint Operations Headquarters said that the reconnaissance forces were at the scene to investigate the operation.

The statement adds that the bodies of three terrorists and logistics materials were discovered at the site.

The Iraqi Joint Operations Headquarters reiterated that the security forces continue to pursue terrorist elements in every location.

It should be mentioned that the Iraqi Air Force destroyed the hideouts of the ISIS terrorist outfit in the Kirkuk province in two separate operations.


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