Netanyahu is set to meet with leaders from Germany, France and Britain, beginning with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday.
Ahead of his departure, Netanyahu claimed "I will meet there with three leaders and will discuss two subjects: Iran and Iran," he said, adding he wanted pressure on Iran's nuclear program to be "intensified."
Both the U.S. and Israel hope Trump's withdrawal can lead all sides into addressing what they say are the deal's shortcomings — including "sunset" provisions that end restrictions on Iranian nuclear activities.
Netanyahu's first stop will be in Germany. Merkel has been a critic of Netanyahu's, objecting to settlement policies in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.
In France, Netanyahu and Macron will attend a ceremony celebrating Israel's 70th anniversary. He then heads to Britain to meet with Prime Minister Theresa May.
Donald Trump’s decision to break with the landmark nuclear deal with Iran and imposition of fresh sanctions was met with defiance in Tehran, and strong opposition from the European Union, Russia and China.