IP - Twelve Palestinians were killed and dozens injured on Friday early morning as a result of severe Israeli airstrikes on Rafah in southern Gaza, Gaza medic sources reported.

Iran Press/ West Asia: Gaza medical sources said the 12 civilian Palestinians had been killed and dozens others injured in Israeli airstrike at Rafah. Medics are trying to recover the live or dead bodies of civilians who were trapped under rubbles in the center of Rafah.

On Friday Israel targeted central and northern Gaza where hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians took refuge. Continuous raids on Rafah are underway despite an order by the International Court of Justice to halt the attacks.

Gaza Health Ministery reported that at least 60 Palestinians were killed in the past night's Israeli relentless attacks.

At least 36,224 Palestinians have been killed and 81,777 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7. It is the last Gaza Health Ministry daily update which was released Thursday.

Many believed that the exact number of victims is as far as many trapped under Gaza's rubble.

Save the Children reported that more than 60 people mostly women and children were killed in Israel attacks in designated "Safe Zones" of Rafah.

Israeli strikes on Lebanon

The Israeli military announced that it had struck Hezbollah sites in the Houla and Maroun al-Ras areas of southern Lebanon.

The Israeli military also reported that rockets were fired from southern Lebanon into northern Israel’s Zarit region.

Seven mass graves with 30 headless bodies in Gaza

According to Gaza Health Ministry, the new 3 mass graves have been discovered at the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, with 30 headless bodies among them.

Three mass graves have also been discovered at the Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza, and another mass grave at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza.

All these three hospitals are the sites of past mass graves found after the Israeli military withdrew its forces after weeks of occupying in past months.