Tehran (IP)- On the sideline of the Second International Conference on Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals, and Energy, Hamid Reza Momeni said that at the moment we benefited from Italian investors in energy sectors of Qeshm.

Iran Press/Iran News: On the sideline of the second International Conference on Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals, and Energy, Hamid Reza Momeni managing director and CEO of Qeshm free zone in an interview with Iran Press said that at the moment we have benefited from Italian investors in energy sectors of Qeshm.

In Tobacco sector, the Chinese are active and they support our exports. We have had cooperation with France in producing baby fish for several years, and we can supply our needs in this regard.

He added: "We also have investors from Korea, China, Japan, and Europe who tend to expand their activities in Iran."

Momeni concluded that we hope to take advantage of these opportunities.


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