Middle East(IP): Syrian President Bashar Assad arrived in Beijing this morning (Thursday, September 21) during an official visit in response to the invitation of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

Iran PressAsia: This is Assad's first visit to China since two decades ago.

The official Syrian news agency (SANA) wrote that Assad's wife, Asma, and a high-ranking delegation will accompany the Syrian president on this trip.

Earlier, the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar reported that the Syrian president's visit will be a strategic turning point in the relationship between Damascus and Beijing, as well as another strong sign of China's role in the West Asian region.

The position began after Beijing played a role in achieving reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran this spring, and the path of this role-making continued with the holding of three meetings for the Chinese president in Saudi Arabia in December 2022.

According to this report, a new sign of change in China's foreign policy towards the Syrian government was seen after the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Damascus in July 2021 and his meeting with Bashar al-Assad.

In the framework of this trip to the region, Beijing officials sent a strong message about the process of gradually abandoning Western concerns regarding official relations with the government of Damascus. They announced that China has entered a new political phase with Damascus.


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