IP - The World Health Organization passed a resolution calling for immediate access to humanitarian aid and an end to the war in Gaza.

Iran Press/ West Asia: The resolution called for the immediate, sustained, and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief, including access to medical personnel in Gaza.

It was adopted by consensus at the end of a Sunday special session of the WHO’s Executive Board.

The passage of the resolution “underscores the importance of health as a universal priority, in all circumstances, and the role of healthcare and humanitarianism in building bridges to peace, even in the most difficult of situations,” the WHO said in a statement after the meeting.

The UN says about 80 percent of the population has been displaced and faces shortages of food, water, and medicine and a growing disease threat.

On Friday, a resolution for a humanitarian ceasefire by the United Arab Emirates and co-sponsored by 100 other countries failed to pass in the UNSC after the United States vetoed the proposal. The US is one of five permanent council members with a veto.


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