The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan and his accompanying delegation, before noon on July 30, 2024.and condemned descertaion of the great figures of the divine religions, including Jesus Christ (pbuh).

Iran PressIran news: In this meeting, Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran has a definite and firm policy of expanding relations with its neighbors, particularly Armenia. “We are firmly committed to developing relations with Armenia, and the cooperation between the two countries will continue strongly based on defined mutual interests, independent of the policies of others.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution conveyed his appreciation for Pashinyan's attendance at the swearing-in ceremony of President Masoud Pezeshkian, and at the funeral of Martyr Ebrahim Raisi. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the territorial integrity of Armenia and affirmed that the Islamic Republic of Iran views the Zangezur corridor as detrimental to Armenia, reaffirming its steadfast position on this matter.

The Leader further emphasized that foreign powers should not impose restrictions on the relationships between countries and their neighbors. He added that what ensures the security and well-being of nations is reliance on oneself and one's close allies. He further noted that the actions of some who interfere in the affairs of other countries from afar ultimately proves detrimental to those countries.

The Leader also noted the good relations between the people of Iran and the Armenian community within the country, emphasizing that “Armenians in Iran played a significant role during the Imposed War, and I have personally visited the homes of many Armenians.”

The Leader of the Revolution considered respect for Jesus Christ (pbuh) to be a certain and undeniable issue among Muslims. “We condemn the insults directed at the great figures of the divine religions, including Jesus Christ (pbuh),” he stated.

During the meeting, which was also attended by Aref, the First Vice President, Mr. Pashinyan expressed satisfaction with the growing relations between Tehran and Yerevan. He described his discussions with Iranian President Pezeshkian as constructive and positive, reaffirming Armenia's longstanding position of not accepting any trans-regional routes through its territory.

Pashinyan described the relations between Iran and Armenia as strategic and expressed happiness over the expansion and diversification of the two countries' relations. He emphasized the significance of maintaining this positive trend. 203


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