Iran press/ Iran news: The new UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) Representative to Iran, Leila Saiji Joudane, in an exclusive interview with Iran Press International News agency on Monday October 1,2018, while dismissing west propaganda that Iranian people are categorized as sad population with rather lower life expectancy, she said that Iran's life expectancy is like any other developed country, due to high number of aged people. "It would rather means the health system is very well and the country is very well developed.",noticed she.
She went on to invite every one including all her friends to come to Iran and see how people are really happy and how they enjoy their beautiful Iran.
Talking about the fact that mentality of aging matters most to all generations rather than health care they would be receiving, called it as a very important issue .She also went out to say that the program would be needed to raise the people awareness about how they can prevent any factor which can put their health care in danger . The UNFPA official explained further that such health improving program should be put in to work for teenagers so that the dangerous diseases like diabetes could be avoided. Saiji Joudane called for "long term vision" for teenagers who are going to be next elderly people so that the diseases would be prevented at older ages.
She also emphasized that governments should help the old to go for their check ups regularly to have more healthier future. She also called for increased capacity of the health workers to respond to these needs.
Leila Saiji Joudane, the new UNFPA Representative has started her mission in Iran since April 3,2017 when she presented her credentials to His Excellency Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's Foreign Minister who in turn welcomed her new assignment and wished her a successful tenure. She is originally from Tunisia.
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Iranian official: Iran faces an aging phenomenon